Investment Committee
The Investment Committee ensures the NZ Super Fund portfolio is best placed to meet its objectives, which includes monitoring and reviewing investment activities.
Rishab Sethi
Director, External Investments and Partnerships -
Alex Bacchus
MSc, BE (Hons) Head of Strategic Tilting -
Lucy Tagg
BE (Hons) Senior Investment Strategist, Direct Investments -
Brad Dunstan
BCom/PGDipMgt Co-Chief Investment Officer -
Del Hart
BMS (Hons) Finance and Marketing Head of External Investments and Partnerships -
Michael Mitchell
Chief Risk Officer -
Anne-Maree O'Connor
MSc, BSc Head of Sustainable Investment -
Pablo Sosa
Head of Portfolio Investments -
Will Goodwin
BCA, MAF Co-Chief Investment Officer -
Charles Hyde
BSc, PhD Head of Asset Allocation