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The NZ Super Fund invests Government capital contributions, and the returns from those investments, to contribute to the Government's cost of paying superannuation entitlements in the future. 


New Zealand Super Fund
Level 12
21 Queen Street
Auckland 1010
New Zealand

P O Box 106607
Auckland 1143
New Zealand


Phone: +64 9 300 6980
Fax: +64 9 300 6981
Email: [email protected]


Contact point for privacy complaints or issues: [email protected]

To lodge an Official Information Act request: [email protected]

Use the New Zealand Relay Service (NZ Relay)


Speak Up Line

It is important to us that the Guardians and the Fund are protected from fraud, bribery and corruption.

If you identify any issue or action by us, or any of our staff or contractors that you believe may be an indicator of fraud, bribery or corruption, please alert us by contacting our Auckland office on +64 9 300 6980 and asking to speak to our Chief Executive Officer, Chief Risk Officer, General Manager People and Culture or Head of Internal Audit. You can also ask to speak with the Chair of our Board.

Alternatively, you can utilise a free, confidential 'Speak Up Line' service available via (worldwide), or 0800 123 508 (New Zealand).