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Over 80 investment management professionals are meeting in Auckland this Friday 8 November to discuss the critical role responsible investing has to play in setting the future direction of the New Zealand economy. Topics being covered include global warming, corporate governance and the relevance of responsible investment in growing and protecting retirement savings.

Speakers at the 4th Annual Responsible Investment Briefing, organised by the Responsible Investment Association Australasia (RIAA), include Dr Russel Norman, co-leader of the Green Party; Nathan Fabian of the Investor Group on Climate Change and Julian Poulter of the Asset Owners Disclosure Project.

Devon Funds’ Paul Glass and the NZ Superannuation Fund’s Anne-Maree O’Connor will provide their insights on the current state of corporate governance in New Zealand.

Further sessions will canvass the benefits of sustainability to New Zealand businesses and current approaches to responsible investment by private and listed equity fund managers.

RIAA Chief Executive Officer Simon O’Connor says the briefing is an opportunity for professional investors to learn about hot topics, trends and innovations in responsible investment in Australasia and globally.

“Responsible investing is clearly becoming the benchmark of good investment practice, with close to 40% of assets under management in New Zealand now invested responsibly,” says Mr O’Connor. “This year’s briefing will highlight the extent of this progress and demonstrate why mainstream institutional investors are increasingly factoring environmental, social and governance concerns into their investment analysis and delivering strong financial returns.”

“We look forward to debating key issues facing the investment industry, such as climate change, and gathering insights into best practice from acknowledged leaders in responsible investment.”

The event is being sponsored by AMP Capital, First State Investments, Hunter Hall Investment Management, MSCI, the New Zealand Superannuation Fund, and Sovereign.


The Responsible Investment Briefing is only open to professional financial intermediaries who are “wholesale” clients for the purposes of the Financial Advisers Act 2008 (as described in section 5c of that Act). However, media representatives are welcome to attend for part or all of the day. Please RSVP to [email protected]. The Briefing is being held at the Heritage Hotel (entrance via Wyndham St), Auckland CBD.

For more information:

Catherine Etheredge, Head of Communications, 0274 777 501, [email protected]